Serin Cini Mutation - One might think it blind luck if the mutation survives extinction, but some objects do. Posted by goimages-base Monday, February 3, 2020 Related PostsDrawing Spiral Drawing Nautilus Shell / The spiral and geometric drawings on its' cover and within its' pages are actually hard to look away from!Nautilus Fibonacci Drawing - Cutaway of a nautilus shell showing the chambers arranged in an approximately logarithmic spiral.Golden Ratio Nautilus Drawing : Golden ratio examples can be found in everyday life including nature and in manmade artifacts as well as these points are discovered by drawing a line from the bottom corner of the rectangle to the golden ratio examples in nature.Nautilus Line Drawing / Custom name engraving is available for all nautilus reel models. Home 4K HD Images Pictures Wallpapers Serin Cini Mutation - One might think it blind luck if the mutation survives extinction, but some objects do.